Friday, January 25, 2013

Hebrew, More Like Hebro
The Hebrew literature that we read in class had some similarities to the epic of Gilgamesh. The more obvious similarities is the presence of a god or gods. The god in hebrew literature is a good god who watches over his people if the will praise him. In ancient lit such as in Gilgamesh, there are multiple gods with multiple personalities good or bad. In Gilgamesh the gods are more of a form of society over the mortal humans than in Hebrew literature where God acts as one leader of the mankind.
This week in A Farewell to Arms, I am on page 112. Frederic has been staying in a hospital in Milan. This hospital in mainly American with nurses and doctors from the states. He spends most of his days in a hot room laying down killing time. Frederic being a sort of flirt that he is has made friends with a nurse, Ms. Gage. Theres been some flirting but big deal because his "love" Ms. Barkley has been transferred to Milan now. Oh snap. Recently he had his leg/knee operated on and now he has minimal use of the crutches. More or less it has been about him getting to spend more time with Ms. Barkley, otherwise known as Catherine Barkley. I hope this Titanic, Notebook, and Twilight love stuff ends soon otherwise this book will help me fall asleep faster than NyQuil. Aside from the some love stuff the novel is pretty interesting. That's saying something for me.

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