Friday, January 18, 2013

Gilgamesh and Mortars

People today in similar ways differ from people 4,000 years ago. Similar in the fact that certain values have been carried down through different societies and different civilizations. But different in how the values are perceived and how stories are told. Also new values have arose like the value of freedom seen in our everyday life and also the value of having an elected leader rather than a king. People 4,000 years ago, mostly men, were perceived as warriors. Warriors with quests and struggles lead by the gods. Today there is a general equality among the sexes.
This week in A Farewell to Arms, I have read to page 87. Skipping all the nonsense with Frederic and his supposed girl Ms. Barkley, Frederic was sent to the front. There with his fellow ambulance drives it was they decided to eat. Inside a dugout he sat with the other four guys. Before Frederic could take another bite of cheese a trench mortar hit right on their position. After the explosion and carnage he couldn't move. After he regained some focus, he rolled his head to see Passini without a leg and his other leg dangling by the tendons.  His own knee had mortar shrapnel in it. Most likely the mortar was from a minnenwerfer or a Skoda gun stated earlier by a man named Gavuzzi.

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