Friday, May 3, 2013

Second to Last Blog. Yes.
Reflecting on this final semester in World Literature I would have to say my favorite piece of literature is the piece that we're reading right now. I know that sounds so cliché because its the most recent/current piece were on but I like it the most. Why? Well I've always taken much interest in the medieval era. I find it interesting how society was back in those times. Where people lived by the sword and technology and society really started to develop in my mind. I like The Canterbury Tales  because it even has a captivating prolouge. I like how it starts by telling you how each of the characters are and not letting the story, down the road, give hints to how people are. I like how different and unique the characters and and how Chaucer puts in little tidbits on if he favors that person or not. Either he likes someone and they are generous and nice or he doesn't like someone and hints to that with satire using things such as they sin of greed to infer they are tainted. All this is saying a lot for me because literature as a whole usually doesn't interest me that much. Its interesting to see, even though its translated, how the old English literature was written back then with the "fancy" wording and rhyming of each sentence to the next.

My favorite thing in class would probably have to be the open discussions about the literary pieces we read. That is because most of my reading is done at home. Unlike in class, my house is quiet and I can actually focus more on the story. But the only down fall is when I find time to read, mixed in with other school work and my job, the quietness usually puts me to sleep. I enjoy the class discussion because it usually brings to light things I missed while reading a story on my own. That, or someone else might have a different view or opinion on something in the story which allows me to be open minded and more involved in what going on in the story. More or less it allows me to connect more if I increase my understanding of the story which is kind of an obvious statement to say.

I've learned a lot in this class, but like every other student with an overflowing brain I've also forgotten a lot. But what I've noticed though and have taken with me is how each generation and civilization is defined by its literature as much as its physical actions as a people. The Chinese had their views on things such as love, and the Greeks had their views on things such as human tragedies. Some pieces shows values in the simplicity of nature and others in strength.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautifully worded blog, Kasey. You have captured the value of literature well. I have appreciated your excellent contributions to class throughout the semester. I am glad you feel you have benefitted from the course. I wish you all the best as you move on to your next stage in life. You have a bright future, and I know you will have a wonderful life. Take care and good luck!
