Monday, May 13, 2013

not the final blog?
Things all the pieces had in common were the showing on contrast. In each piece there was always contrast giving objects deep outlines. Simple coloring or reds and yellows and black, all simple so one could focus on the severity of how terrible hell was. Each piece of music played was very dramatic and some what slow like it drug on like the people depicted in the pictures and motion picture. Obviously there were all kinds of human suffering as well.

Things that was different in the pieces were that some pieces is the interpretation of the demons. Some were three headed demons and others simple were fallen angels with wings. Some of the pieces showed small specific scenes of the action going on, others had a wider view showing a larger area.

Why are people still inspired by Dante's work 700 years later? No matter who you are I think everyone is fascinated with the places beyond death. Also there is an interest, I feel, wanted or not in all the dark ways humans can sin and also be punished for sin. Dante's work is the work that gives people something they don't want to see yet its the stuff that you simple cant just turn away from.

Friday, May 10, 2013

FINAL BLOG: Animal Farm by George Orwell
The protagonist in Animal Farm would easily have to be Snowball, one of the pigs. Snowball can be described as sort of an optimist. He's more open with the other animals but still has this leadership personality. With the inner want of spreading this so called Animalism, Snowball wants to build, create and expand an infrastructure. One example in the story is this windmill. In turn the windmill will benefit the society. Snowball shows more passion for the animals early on volunteering his time to help others learn to read.

The Antagonist in Animal Farm is Napoleon, also of of the pigs. I'd consider him to be a dictator. Many of times he opposes the ideas of others and the idea of Snowball especially with the windmill. Early on he doesn't care for the revolution to take over the farm and to over power their owner Mr. Jones. He's power hungry. He is apart of the changes just for the shot at control. He's Snowball's main opposition. Napoleon is sly.

This whole animal revolution and empowering wouldn't have taken place if it wasn't for a pig called Old Major. He doesn't last long in the story dying early on but as a minor character, he a major impact. As a prize winning pig he's looked up to in the barn so he holds a big deal of influence. He has the initial dream for a new society ran by animals and he spreads that word throughout the barn.

Another minor character that plays a periodic key role in the story is the cart-horse named Boxer. Boxer is generally a simple representation of the other yet he himself stands out more. Boxer shows more amounts of dedication to the work load of the society. Trusting of the two main pig leaders, Boxers is always a lending hand. He easily pulls his fair share of the work. Boxer is morally a hard and devoted worker. But his weakness is showing what he really believes in. He is weak willed.
On a farm owned by a Mr. Jones there is a group of animals that act just as humans do. From pigs to horses it's a typical farm. An old boar named Old Major is highly respected by the group of animals. He has this idea of freedom and independence from humans for the animals as a whole. He speaks his idea to the barn and soon after dies. Old Major's main successors, also pigs, are Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer. Snowball and Napoleon become the two main activists for Old Majors ideas. But their ideas are different. There is a set of seven commandments to live by and to follow which is like animal law. Their new society is rightfully dubbed Animalism. The land they now lived on called, Animal Farm, is controlled by the animals after a revolution in which Mr. Jones, the previous owner, was driven away. The farm thrives and animals are taught to read and more. Napoleon takes a group of pups and shows them how to live by this new concept of animalism. Later on an attempt by Mr. Jones to reclaim his farm is put down and the animals remain in power. But the differences in ideals of Snowball and Napoleon begin to show and tension raises. Snowball is pro-society and infrastructure and suggests a windmill be built for electrical power. Napoleon opposes. The animals begin to split. More in favor for the more respected Snowball. Boxer is a main supporter of Snowball. At a meeting for the windmill Napoleon released the pups he had taught, and they attacked Snowball running Snowball away from the farm. Napoleon took power and started showing his force. Napoleon threatened the other animals who followed Snowball with death thus making them bow down for him. Napoleon forces the animals so turn on Snowball and Napoleon starts making deals with neighboring farmers for supplies and more. Napoleons shear control makes himself change, sleeping in beds and drinking whisky. The society begins question the governing situation at hand.

A theme that stands out greatly through out the story is the theme of communism and some hints of a dictatorship. There is a big influence of government in this story and instead of representing it through actual people and situations it starts on a new, fresh level with "innocent" farm animals, given they can speak and think. The books strong point is that it does show the major flaws in humanity and in how humans run society. The story is a reflection of the rise of the Soviet Union in Russia and it depicts the Russian revolution. It seems as if every character in the story has a real life counterpart. Such as Napoleon is based off of Joseph Stalin, Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, Boxer doesn't represent a person but the Russian workforce, and there's more. Just as in the real Russian revolution Stalin (Napoleon) took power and abandoned the traditional reasons of revolution (which in the story the revolution was to take down Mr. Jones). The traditional reasons of the revolution in real life transferred to the book, are the seven commandments follwed by the animals. Napoleon eventually reduced the seven commandments into one commandment. The story does a good job slowly developing Napoleon as a important character. Hiding at first that he could show any potential that there is something evil about him. Once to power Napoleons quickly assumes all power becoming a tyrant. I think Snowball could have been more specific in the story as a activist of democracy and that every animal was equal. Yet all that is know is really that Snowball is simply the more kind hearted pig. I think the stories main strength is in its power and ability to show human flaw. It shows how well the political powers of one leader can be abused. It also shows how once a nation or society is under a tyrant/dictator that the people will have to simply conform of face some sort of punishment (such as execution, like in the story).

I would personally rate this book a four out of five. I liked how the plot line continued to reveal it was based off actual situations created by humans. I thought it was unique how Orwell decided to use animals to be the main characters in the book and to kind of label each animals personality to what particular animal they were. For not being a huge reader myself I thought the minute characteristics of each pig were powerful in how separated politics and politicians in the real world are. What I didn't like about it, and this being a little bias, was how to me the story kind of drug on even though the book was shorter than most others. But being related to the Russian history of communism it makes sense that some of the real life details had to of been thrown in such as all the trading between the animals and neighbors. Over all it's an interesting book. It's different for sure but interesting because to made me as a reader step back and think about how messed up politics and society can be.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Second to Last Blog. Yes.
Reflecting on this final semester in World Literature I would have to say my favorite piece of literature is the piece that we're reading right now. I know that sounds so cliché because its the most recent/current piece were on but I like it the most. Why? Well I've always taken much interest in the medieval era. I find it interesting how society was back in those times. Where people lived by the sword and technology and society really started to develop in my mind. I like The Canterbury Tales  because it even has a captivating prolouge. I like how it starts by telling you how each of the characters are and not letting the story, down the road, give hints to how people are. I like how different and unique the characters and and how Chaucer puts in little tidbits on if he favors that person or not. Either he likes someone and they are generous and nice or he doesn't like someone and hints to that with satire using things such as they sin of greed to infer they are tainted. All this is saying a lot for me because literature as a whole usually doesn't interest me that much. Its interesting to see, even though its translated, how the old English literature was written back then with the "fancy" wording and rhyming of each sentence to the next.

My favorite thing in class would probably have to be the open discussions about the literary pieces we read. That is because most of my reading is done at home. Unlike in class, my house is quiet and I can actually focus more on the story. But the only down fall is when I find time to read, mixed in with other school work and my job, the quietness usually puts me to sleep. I enjoy the class discussion because it usually brings to light things I missed while reading a story on my own. That, or someone else might have a different view or opinion on something in the story which allows me to be open minded and more involved in what going on in the story. More or less it allows me to connect more if I increase my understanding of the story which is kind of an obvious statement to say.

I've learned a lot in this class, but like every other student with an overflowing brain I've also forgotten a lot. But what I've noticed though and have taken with me is how each generation and civilization is defined by its literature as much as its physical actions as a people. The Chinese had their views on things such as love, and the Greeks had their views on things such as human tragedies. Some pieces shows values in the simplicity of nature and others in strength.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Portrait of a Pilgrim: The Franklin

In class we have just started reading The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, who was born in 1343. Chaucer was considered the first great English poet. This story would mark the end of Anglo-Saxon literature. The Canterbury Tales was a story about a group of pilgrims who have embarked on a pilgrimage to see a shrine built or the Saint Thomas a Becket. A pilgrimage is a journey with moral or religious significance. Its not like a quest which is going somewhere to find something. In the story each pilgrim is to tell two stories there and back.  Chaucer never finished this story due to his death in 1400.
Franklin was not a name but a title. A Franklin was a landowner but not of the nobility status. This man was of older age. He was tall, a Justice at the Sessions, he stood over the rest. He had a pale white beard. His face had a ruddy complexion which is like having rosy cheeks from being an outoorsman. During this time period this look was a look of optimism. The Franklin lived for pleasure. He was a festive man full of cheer who loved his culinary attributes. His bread and ale were the finest in the land. His house, never empty of bake-meat pies. His range of food matched that of the many seasons and for every season came a different meal. The table stood all day set for dining. One of his occupations was a county representative in Parliament, or a Member of the Shire. He always kept a dagger and a white piece of silk on his belt. "He lived for pleasure and had always done, for he was Epicurus' very son." Epicurus being a Greek philosopher that taught the goal of life is pleasure. I think Chaucer in general liked this person because nothing negative was spoken about him in the story. Only was there mentions of happiness, optimism, and a good over all social status and being.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Aeneid

So far in "Animal Farm" I heave read to chapter four. This book had made it so obvious the this is not just a mere story but a huger hint on how society works from a governing stand point. I find it funny that the pig is at the center of things. Their flag, green for the fields of Europe and with the hooves on it symbolizing the animals is funny to me. The animals are so human the story really doesn't need the animals but it adds satire and makes people think about the real world I suppose. More or less this animal society has grown with literacy rates and the animals sort of resemble the different races.
 In class we have moved on from the Iliad and have gone to beginning the Aeneid written by the Roman Virgil. This was the epic of Rome. This epic really made Rome what it was because every country had an epic and Rome wasn't going to be the first without. The Aeneid covers the ideals of Rome. Ideals such that society is ran through core values of strength and courage with honesty. The Iliad shows the Trojan horse as a thing of genius and that's what its praised for. But the Aeneid shows the Trojan horse as something of trickery. The Greeks shouldn't have taking glory in defeating Troy in that cowardly manor. We ended this week with the story of Dido. Dido is in a loss with herself in what to do. Her husband has since past and she finds a new man. The struggle is Dido doesn't know what is right for her. He sister Anna tries to help give guidance and comfort. The conflict is with Dido and Aeneas who wants to leave on this naval excursion. Dido thinks that killing herself will give Aeneas no choice but to stay. The class did an RWLD in which we watched two videos of theatrical versions of "Dido's Lament". Both versions show Dido's death without the use of a sword which I found interesting.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Iliad

In my book, "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, I have read the first chapter. I'm reading an online version so obviously there are no pages. More or less these animals who talk like people have come together to stage a supposed rebellion against humans. This in mainly because they see how their owners treat them such as taking the animals possessions without much in return and also once the animal has grown old, it is then slaughtered. There's a Russian feel in this story as the word "comrade" is used often. I have heard the book references communist ideals and I now can kind of start seeing that.
Over the past week, in class, we have gone over Greek literature. The class read the Iliad, an epic written by Homer. The story is between Hektor of Troy and Achilleus from the Achaian opposition. This story dealt with the struggles of Hektor. More or less Hektor is running from his fears which is facing Achilleus in battle. The goddess Athene comes down and convinces Hektor to stop and face Achilleus. There is an epic battle, which we read and watched from the movie Troy, where Achilleus becomes victorious. Hektor's dead body is drug back to the Achaians where no burial ritual of honor is held. Achilleus is a straight up warrior with little morals for honoring the fallen oppositions. Later in the story King Priam of Troy goes after his dead son. Priam travels to the Achaian's camp where he cheats death and meets with Achilleus. Priam opens up to Achilleus about having his son back. Seeing this Achilleus thinks about his own father and loosens up a bit leaving this warrior mentality. The values of family in the story come out during this part of the story. The Iliad shows many types of epic similes. Not metaphors, so the sentences have the words "like" or "as". An example is when Hektor wields his sword the line says, "he (Hektor) made his swoop, like a high-flown eagle who launches himself from the murk of the clouds on the flat land to catch away a tender lamb or a shivering hare."

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Animal Farm.
For this semester I have chosen to read the book, Animal Farm by George Orwell. Books do not interest me. So the only reason I chose this new book is because I heard it was about communism and that was some what interesting. Maybe its about Soviet animals. That would probably be more interesting that what the books really about. So far I have read zero pages because since spring break I have been busy with work, the Guard, and other school work. Theres just no time to read. I think NyQuil should stop making pills and just start selling books to help people sleep faster.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Free Online Book: Here

Friday, March 8, 2013

A Farewell to Arms
In this novel there are few, if not only a couple major characters depending on ones individual opinion. There are roughly five main character in this novel. But the two that stand out and are the characters that make this novel what it is are Frederic Henry and Ms. Catherine Barkley.

Frederic Henry, the novels main character and main protagonist, is a young American soldier who at the time was serving in the Italian army. The novel takes place during the First World War. The time period he was serving in was the time during the war before major American involvement. Frederic's role in the war was an ambulance driver for the Italian front. In this novel there is really no antagonist. At least no one person is the antagonist. The war as a whole is the antagonist because the war is the main source for struggle and conflict. But if it wasn't for the war Frederic would have never met Ms. Catherine Barkley. While on some down time from the war Frederic periodically went out drinking with friends. One day he met this English nurse. The story turns from war focus to this new game of love between Frederic and Ms. Barkley. The guys always went after women but for Frederic this time seemed different and he wanted to pursue Ms. Barkley not just for seduction but for something more. Later back at the front Frederic and some soldiers he was with come under fire from enemy mortars. He's severely hit and is taken off the front and is transferred to Milan to an American ran hospital. There he misses Ms. Barkley. He meets a nurse Ms. Gage who he becomes friends with and spills his feelings too. He also meets the hag of a nurse Ms. Van Campen the superintendent. His recovery in Milan is part of the rising action. He was told he cannot be operated on for at least six months but Frederic talks to another doctor  and is operated on much sooner. To his luck Ms. Barkley is transferred to Milan and yet the love game continues and their relationship becomes more serious. Frederic plans a vacation for Ms. Barkley and himself with the medical leave given to him because of his wound. That leave was taken away though. Frederic gets sick from what Ms. Van Campen thinks is from his over excessive drinking problem. She thinks he is trying to avoid returning to the front. This is the climax. Frederic and Ms. Barkley say their goodbyes telling one another that they will see to it that they will always stay together. Frederic returns to a retreating Italian front where the atmosphere has turned chaotic with angry and confused soldiers. Frederic is brought unwillingly to some dark times and does things no man wants to ever do. Part of the falling action, his new goal was just to get back to his love Ms. Barkley.

Ms. Barkley is, in my opinion, the other main character who is seen throughout the story. An English nurse she comes from troubled times. He has lost the love of her life her late fiance. She meets meets Frederic though Frederic friend Rinaldi. Rinaldi tried his luck with seducing Ms. Barkley just to be forgotten about when she meets Frederic. She plays the love game but coming from such an emotional loss she doesn't want to be used. She spends much of her time with Frederic in doubt of his real affection towards her. But she still cares for him like Frederic was her last fiance.
There are other minor character such as Rinaldi, who poses like the typical soldier, or wartime doctor, of World War One. Characters like the priest who are minor characters in general but are a major factor on molding who Frederic was. The priest who was commonly made fun of by others was always listened to by Frederic because he and frederic would discuss the war and the what glory there was in it.

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway is a novel written from Hemingway's own experiences during his tour during the early 1900's in Italy. The novel is from the point of view of Lieutenant Frederic Henry a young American serving with the Italians as an ambulance drive on the Italian front. Frederic meets this young English nurse, Ms. Barkley who he quickly falls in love with. He doesn't want to play the love games like most other soldiers such as his best friend Rinaldi. Frederic is lost within himself. Lost in the war and lost in the love he has created with Ms. Barkley. At one time he's trying to come to terms with himself and also trying to prove to the young nurse that he wants to become hers. Frederic hates the war. He hates the false glory that comes with way. Ettore another friend of Frederic's brags about his war medals and that angers Frederic. Later in the war Frederic is wounded by a mortar and is transferred to Milan to recover. Ms. Barkley is later transferred to Milan as well and the war becomes a thing of the past holding back for the love game that is continued between the young soldier and nurse. Frederic is tragically shipped back to the front after a misunderstood scandal with an assumption that Frederic was trying to avoid the war and to get out. His goal is to find Ms. Barkley again and to be happy with himself and to forget the war.

I rate this book a 4 out of 5. I took up much interest in the war themes. But as soon as the plot started to transfer over to a love story I stated to lose little interest. I did like how descriptive the novel was. Parts such as when Frederic goes through the mortar strike were described in much detail as if I myself was there in the chaos. I didn't feel the novel had a major story line that it was more of a biography. But needless to say I would recommend this novel to anyone who likes literary work dealing with war and personal struggle.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Folk Song Folks, Yee-Haw

We have been talking about folk songs lately just FYI. A folk song that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such a style. In class we have read folk songs from chinese literature too. The Chinese folk songs we read were "I Beg of you Chung Tzu" and "Thick Grow the Rush Leaves". Both songs tend to infer meanings of love towards someone. I worked with Malorie B-T-Dubs. 

"I've Been Working on the Railroad"
I've been working on the railroad
All the livelong day
I've been working on the railroad
Just to pass the time away 

Can't you hear the whistle blowing
Rise up so early in the morn
Can't you hear the captain shouting
Dinah, blow your horn 

Dinah, won't you blow
Dinah, won't you blow
Dinah, won't you blow your horn
Dinah, won't you blow
Dinah, won't you blow
Dinah, won't you blow your horn 

Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Someone's in the kitchen I know
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Strumming on the old banjo, and singing 

Fie, fi, fiddly i o
Fie, fi, fiddly i o
Fie, fi, fiddly i o
Strumming on the old banjo 

This song is from the late 1800's when the rail road was big business. It talks about all the grueling back breaking work that thousands of men did daily on the rail road. The song is like a motivator, stating the obvious hard work done by everyone. It also talks about this Dinah. Not so much a love story here. Dinah was a typical name of an enslaved black woman in those times. Dinah blowing her horn and being in the kitchen would have been a lunch call from here to the workers. Lunch was their break time and no one messes with break time. The "Fie fi, fiddly i o" was just inspirational cheering lyrics. Since these men were men and looked for the "brighter side" of working all day, some verses that involved making love with Dinah were later left out of the original song. The more you know, knowledge is power. 

"Ain't No One Got Time" by Kasey Murphy and Malorie Browning 

Feel the flames of heat as the man steps down
Yelling and forcing us to look like clowns
Communist society rebellion is here
With hypocritical rhymes that fill our ear

Ain't no one got time for trees and flowers
But everyone got time for nice long showers
It's all about you no time for two
Ain't no one got time anymore, dude 

These days isn't about you or me
It's about making your way through society
Drowning in an ocean sulking in food
Puts you in the mood to be straight up rude

Ain't no one got time for trees and flowers
But everyone got time for nice long showers
It's all about you no time for two
Ain't no one got time anymore, dude

Friday, February 15, 2013

Grenades to Kindness
This week in my novel, A Farewell to Arms, I am on page 120. Fred has been taking some down time with some new friends at the base he's at. The topic of discussion are the medals for the number of wounds one has. Fred makes the comment that he'd rather have wound medals than other war medals. Ettore showed his medals and his wounds. He was hit my a German hand grenade (or potato masher) that blew up his foot. As an officer, Ettore carried his rifle to blend in with regular soldiers so his rank didn't stand out making him an HVT. Simmons asked what it the German was like after Ettore had shot him. He remembers taking his rifle and shooting right back at the boy who threw the grenade. Hitting the kid right in the chest fearing he'd miss his head. But he didn't stay to watch.

In class we have been studying Confucianism. The class has read The Analects. Honestly I like the concept of Confucianism. The concepts of being courteous to one another and showing general kindness and respect for people is something that todays society has lost for the most part. I like how in The Analects knowledge is used for a greater understanding of things and not something just to attain a higher social status. "The Master said, In old days men studied for the sake of self-improvement, nowadays men study in order to impress other people." -Confucius. In relation to Confucianism I wish todays society still reflected that of the society of the 1940's and so on. Working at Fareway (local grocery store) where we are a courteous business its easy to see how generations have changed. When I help out older people they seem to be nicer with more converstaion. With younger people they are much shorter and could care less if I was helping them or not.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Obi Wan Tao'nobi

I have not read from my novel this week. Partly due to last weeks whole "school shooting" mixed with snow days mixed in with all the homework. So with school, homework, non-consistant school days, and 20+ hour work weeks, reading just had to fall short.
This week we've been going over Chinese literature. We've reviewed over Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. On Thursday the class watched a couple clips from Star Wars and compared it to Taoism. Yeah Taoism and Star Wars. Similarities of the two in Star Wars is the "force" which is the power that controlled the Universe. Also, the force is in everything as said by Yoda. It holds power in trees, rocks, grass and more. Taoism is similar to the force and with the elements. In Taoism it is described the Tao is the force that controlled the Universe. Taoism didn't focus so much on human qualities but the elements of nature.  Taoists believed they could see these working through observing nature.  The comparison of the two has similarities, though maybe they weren't meant in Star Wars to be definite meanings of Taoism. It's open to interpretation. So in a way if you follow Taoism you can become a Jedi.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Hebrew, More Like Hebro
The Hebrew literature that we read in class had some similarities to the epic of Gilgamesh. The more obvious similarities is the presence of a god or gods. The god in hebrew literature is a good god who watches over his people if the will praise him. In ancient lit such as in Gilgamesh, there are multiple gods with multiple personalities good or bad. In Gilgamesh the gods are more of a form of society over the mortal humans than in Hebrew literature where God acts as one leader of the mankind.
This week in A Farewell to Arms, I am on page 112. Frederic has been staying in a hospital in Milan. This hospital in mainly American with nurses and doctors from the states. He spends most of his days in a hot room laying down killing time. Frederic being a sort of flirt that he is has made friends with a nurse, Ms. Gage. Theres been some flirting but big deal because his "love" Ms. Barkley has been transferred to Milan now. Oh snap. Recently he had his leg/knee operated on and now he has minimal use of the crutches. More or less it has been about him getting to spend more time with Ms. Barkley, otherwise known as Catherine Barkley. I hope this Titanic, Notebook, and Twilight love stuff ends soon otherwise this book will help me fall asleep faster than NyQuil. Aside from the some love stuff the novel is pretty interesting. That's saying something for me.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Gilgamesh and Mortars

People today in similar ways differ from people 4,000 years ago. Similar in the fact that certain values have been carried down through different societies and different civilizations. But different in how the values are perceived and how stories are told. Also new values have arose like the value of freedom seen in our everyday life and also the value of having an elected leader rather than a king. People 4,000 years ago, mostly men, were perceived as warriors. Warriors with quests and struggles lead by the gods. Today there is a general equality among the sexes.
This week in A Farewell to Arms, I have read to page 87. Skipping all the nonsense with Frederic and his supposed girl Ms. Barkley, Frederic was sent to the front. There with his fellow ambulance drives it was they decided to eat. Inside a dugout he sat with the other four guys. Before Frederic could take another bite of cheese a trench mortar hit right on their position. After the explosion and carnage he couldn't move. After he regained some focus, he rolled his head to see Passini without a leg and his other leg dangling by the tendons.  His own knee had mortar shrapnel in it. Most likely the mortar was from a minnenwerfer or a Skoda gun stated earlier by a man named Gavuzzi.

Friday, January 11, 2013

My Cardboard With Paper in It
The title of the novel I chose is A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. I chose this novel because it was the most interesting sounding title in the packet of options for novels to be read. The novel is based around the first world war and that sounded the most interesting to me. So far I have read to page forty two. A general summary of whats happened so far is the main character, Lieutenant Frederic Henry, is an American serving in the Italian Army. He travels around the bases which are mainly medical outposts. He moves when the main front moves. The novel is starting to move into a kind of love story because Frederic has met this woman named Ms. Barkley. I personally hope this love story doesn't unfold too much of my interest in this novel might fade. War is interesting, love on the other hand isn't so much. Otherwise the descriptions of war and the dialogue between the soldiers is interesting and entertaining.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Entering A New World
My reason for taking this class is due to Individualized Literature being full. I wanted a challenge so I opted to not take Everyday Communications. The course didn't sound like anything I couldn't handle. What I expect to attain from this class is a wider knowledge of literature pieces from authors around the world and not to just re-gain knowledge about American literature styles I already know. If anything else I hope to improve my general reading skills plus I expect to be introduced to new websites as well as online tools as well such as Blogger.