Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Portrait of a Pilgrim: The Franklin

In class we have just started reading The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, who was born in 1343. Chaucer was considered the first great English poet. This story would mark the end of Anglo-Saxon literature. The Canterbury Tales was a story about a group of pilgrims who have embarked on a pilgrimage to see a shrine built or the Saint Thomas a Becket. A pilgrimage is a journey with moral or religious significance. Its not like a quest which is going somewhere to find something. In the story each pilgrim is to tell two stories there and back.  Chaucer never finished this story due to his death in 1400.
Franklin was not a name but a title. A Franklin was a landowner but not of the nobility status. This man was of older age. He was tall, a Justice at the Sessions, he stood over the rest. He had a pale white beard. His face had a ruddy complexion which is like having rosy cheeks from being an outoorsman. During this time period this look was a look of optimism. The Franklin lived for pleasure. He was a festive man full of cheer who loved his culinary attributes. His bread and ale were the finest in the land. His house, never empty of bake-meat pies. His range of food matched that of the many seasons and for every season came a different meal. The table stood all day set for dining. One of his occupations was a county representative in Parliament, or a Member of the Shire. He always kept a dagger and a white piece of silk on his belt. "He lived for pleasure and had always done, for he was Epicurus' very son." Epicurus being a Greek philosopher that taught the goal of life is pleasure. I think Chaucer in general liked this person because nothing negative was spoken about him in the story. Only was there mentions of happiness, optimism, and a good over all social status and being.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Aeneid

So far in "Animal Farm" I heave read to chapter four. This book had made it so obvious the this is not just a mere story but a huger hint on how society works from a governing stand point. I find it funny that the pig is at the center of things. Their flag, green for the fields of Europe and with the hooves on it symbolizing the animals is funny to me. The animals are so human the story really doesn't need the animals but it adds satire and makes people think about the real world I suppose. More or less this animal society has grown with literacy rates and the animals sort of resemble the different races.
 In class we have moved on from the Iliad and have gone to beginning the Aeneid written by the Roman Virgil. This was the epic of Rome. This epic really made Rome what it was because every country had an epic and Rome wasn't going to be the first without. The Aeneid covers the ideals of Rome. Ideals such that society is ran through core values of strength and courage with honesty. The Iliad shows the Trojan horse as a thing of genius and that's what its praised for. But the Aeneid shows the Trojan horse as something of trickery. The Greeks shouldn't have taking glory in defeating Troy in that cowardly manor. We ended this week with the story of Dido. Dido is in a loss with herself in what to do. Her husband has since past and she finds a new man. The struggle is Dido doesn't know what is right for her. He sister Anna tries to help give guidance and comfort. The conflict is with Dido and Aeneas who wants to leave on this naval excursion. Dido thinks that killing herself will give Aeneas no choice but to stay. The class did an RWLD in which we watched two videos of theatrical versions of "Dido's Lament". Both versions show Dido's death without the use of a sword which I found interesting.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Iliad

In my book, "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, I have read the first chapter. I'm reading an online version so obviously there are no pages. More or less these animals who talk like people have come together to stage a supposed rebellion against humans. This in mainly because they see how their owners treat them such as taking the animals possessions without much in return and also once the animal has grown old, it is then slaughtered. There's a Russian feel in this story as the word "comrade" is used often. I have heard the book references communist ideals and I now can kind of start seeing that.
Over the past week, in class, we have gone over Greek literature. The class read the Iliad, an epic written by Homer. The story is between Hektor of Troy and Achilleus from the Achaian opposition. This story dealt with the struggles of Hektor. More or less Hektor is running from his fears which is facing Achilleus in battle. The goddess Athene comes down and convinces Hektor to stop and face Achilleus. There is an epic battle, which we read and watched from the movie Troy, where Achilleus becomes victorious. Hektor's dead body is drug back to the Achaians where no burial ritual of honor is held. Achilleus is a straight up warrior with little morals for honoring the fallen oppositions. Later in the story King Priam of Troy goes after his dead son. Priam travels to the Achaian's camp where he cheats death and meets with Achilleus. Priam opens up to Achilleus about having his son back. Seeing this Achilleus thinks about his own father and loosens up a bit leaving this warrior mentality. The values of family in the story come out during this part of the story. The Iliad shows many types of epic similes. Not metaphors, so the sentences have the words "like" or "as". An example is when Hektor wields his sword the line says, "he (Hektor) made his swoop, like a high-flown eagle who launches himself from the murk of the clouds on the flat land to catch away a tender lamb or a shivering hare."

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Animal Farm.
For this semester I have chosen to read the book, Animal Farm by George Orwell. Books do not interest me. So the only reason I chose this new book is because I heard it was about communism and that was some what interesting. Maybe its about Soviet animals. That would probably be more interesting that what the books really about. So far I have read zero pages because since spring break I have been busy with work, the Guard, and other school work. Theres just no time to read. I think NyQuil should stop making pills and just start selling books to help people sleep faster.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Free Online Book: Here